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Motorcycle Hand Signal Guide 2 weeks ago

Motorcycle Hand Signal Guide

Communication is key when riding a motorcycle, and motorcycle hand signals are a critical component of that communication. 

You may be riding solo or as part of a group. Your hand gestures will alert riders, drivers, and pedestrians about your intentions. 

When you thoughtfully use motorcycle hand signals, you elevate safety with these visual clues that all motorcyclists universally understand. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the most common signals, explain when and how to use them, and answer some frequently asked questions about motorbike hand signals.

Key Takeaways

  • Motorcycle hand signals are essential for safe and clear communication while riding, helping avoid road accidents and confusion.
  • Standard signals include directions (left, correct, stop), speed adjustments, and hazard warnings to ensure smooth group riding.
  • Understanding and using biker hand signals can help you feel more confident, whether riding with a group or navigating busy traffic.

In This Guide:

Motorcycle Hand Signal Guide


Motorcycle Hand Signal Guide

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Good communication while driving a motorcycle ensures the safety of both the rider and others on the road. While motorcycles are equipped with turn signals and brake lights, there are situations where hand signals are necessary. 

This guide will explain the most frequently used hand signals for motorcycles. It is important for both new and professional riders to learn these signals. 

These signals will help you communicate with other riders and motorists in an effective manner. 

Protip: Always prioritize safety and follow traffic laws, especially when touring new areas. 

For more tips on enjoying the motorcycle lifestyle, check out our guides on the best motorcycle bike rallies, top motorcycles for beginners, and the pros and cons of motorcycles.

Biker Hand Signals – What Are They?

Motorcycle hand signals are a universal way for riders to communicate their intentions while riding the motorcycle. 

These signals ensure that everyone on the road is aware of a rider’s next move, especially during group rides. 

Proper use of motorbike hand signals enhances your safety and the safety of those riding with you.

Left Turn

Extend your left arm horizontally out to the left with your palm facing down to signal a left turn. 

This signal is one of the most common and is used when you want to indicate that you will be turning left at an intersection or corner.

Right Turn

Extend your left arm and bend it upward at a 90-degree angle for a right turn, with your palm facing forward. 

Alternatively, you can extend your right hand horizontally to signal a right turn. Other road users universally understand either of these hand signals.

Speed Up

Extend your left arm downward with your palm facing backward to indicate that you want the group to speed up. 

Keep your arm straight, and make a slight upward motion as if pushing the throttle. 

This signal is usually used when riding in groups, signaling others to increase their speed.

Slow Down

Extend your left arm downward with your palm facing down to signal that the group should slow down. 

You can also make a slight motion by moving your hand downward to indicate a decrease in speed. 

This is an essential hand signal when riding in close formation or traffic.


To signal a stop, extend your left arm downward with your palm facing the rear of your bike. 

Another common stop signal is raising your left arm and making a fist. 

Both signals alert others to your intention to stop, whether due to a red light, traffic stop, or safety concern.

Roadway Hazard

There are two standard hand signals to warn others about roadway hazards, depending on whether the hazard is on the left or right side of the road.


  • Left-Side Hazard

Extend your left arm horizontally to warn of a hazard on the left side, with your index finger pointing directly to the left. 

This is commonly used when debris, potholes, or animals are on the left side of the road.


  • Right-Side Hazard

For a hazard on the right, extend your left arm with your index finger pointing upward at a 45-degree angle. 

This alerts fellow riders that there’s a problem on the right side of the road.

Follow Me

To indicate that riders should follow you, extend your left arm vertically with your hand in a fist, then make a sweeping motion as if inviting others to follow your lead. 

This is often used in group rides to direct others to take a specific route or follow your pace.

Comfort/Refreshment Stop

When it’s time to take a break or stop for refreshments, extend your left arm at a 45-degree angle and hold your hand in a fist. 

This signals a near-comfort stop; riders should be prepared to pull over.

Pull Off

If you need to pull off to the side of the road or into a parking area, extend your left arm downward, palm facing down, and fingers slightly spread. 

This signal is often used when riders need to exit the highway or make a quick detour.

Single File

When riding in a group and it’s time to ride in a single file formation, extend your left arm and point downward with your index finger. 

This helps create space between riders and promotes a safer and more organized riding experience.

Double File

When riding side-by-side in a group is safe, extend both arms to signal that it’s time to ride in double file. 

This is especially common on wide, open roads with plenty of space for riders to travel together.

You Lead

If you want to pass the leadership to another rider or indicate that someone else should take the lead, extend your left arm outward and point toward the person you lead. 

This signal ensures that the next rider knows they are taking the lead role.

How to Use Hand Signals on a Motorcycle

How to Use Hand Signals on a Motorcycle

Properly using motorcycle hand signals is vital for clear communication. Here are a few tips to help you use hand signals effectively:

Be Clear and Consistent

Always use the same signals for the same actions. Consistency helps other riders know exactly what you’re communicating.

Be Predictable

Don’t mix signals. If you’re signaling a left turn, ensure your hand is extended to the left and in the correct position.

Use Your Left Hand

Most hand signals are performed with the left hand, but some, like the right turn signal, may require you to use your right hand. Ensure your hand is visible to other riders at all times.


If you’re new to motorbike riding, practice hand signals in an empty parking lot or low-traffic area before heading out into more complex traffic conditions.

Once you master these simple hand signals, you can communicate more effectively with other riders and stay safe on the road.

Understanding and practicing biker hand signals can make you a more confident rider and ensure your and your fellow riders’ safety. 

Whether navigating busy streets or riding in a group, these hand signals help create better communication on the road. 

If you want to expand your motorcycle collection, we also cover top motorcycle brands to help you make the best choice.

Motorcycle Hand Signal FAQs

What does it mean when bikers point two fingers down?

When bikers point two fingers down, they are signaling to slow down. This gesture is often used in group riding to indicate that the riders need to reduce their speed due to traffic, road conditions, or other reasons.

What does it mean when a biker puts his fist up?

A raised fist is a standard signal for “stop.” When a biker holds their fist up, it indicates that they are coming to a stop, often used in group rides when the lead rider wants to stop or if they are approaching a traffic signal.

What does it mean when a motorcyclist taps his helmet at you?

Tapping helmet signals to alert others of a potential hazard ahead. It’s often used to warn riders about police presence, road debris, or other hazards that might not be immediately visible to other bikers.